Abnormal Streaming Activity
At Yivera Distro, we are committed to fostering a transparent and authentic music industry, and to that end, we want to bring to your attention a crucial matter that affects us all: Fake Streams.
Fake or Artificial streaming activity, whether intentional or unintentional can have severe consequences on your career, your royalties, and our collective ecosystem.
Consequences of Fake Streams:
– Music removal from playlists (or ban from editorial playlists).
– Takedown of fraudulent content from Digital Service Providers (DSPs).
– Additional fees for tracks with significant artificial stream levels may be re-charged to you.
To avoid these consequences, please ensure that: – You do not engage in fake streaming activities.
– You refrain from using third-party services that claim to artificially boost stream numbers.
– You prioritize genuine engagement and quality over artificial methods.
We understand that fake/artificial streams may seem like an easy way to boost numbers, but they can lead to:
– Loss of credibility and reputation
– Legal action from DSPs
– Forfeiture of royalties and earnings
At Yivera Distro, we are committed to maintaining a healthy music ecosystem. We encourage you to prioritize authentic engagement and quality.
Let’s work together to keep the music real!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further information.